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Join Us For Worship

Sundays at 9:00 a.m.


Our worship gatherings are opportunities for connection with one another and God, where thoughtful messages guided by scripture, inspiring music and the sharing of joys, concerns and faith experiences, are all wrapped in prayer and gratitude. 


Special services throughout the year include: Advent and Christmas, Lent and Easter, Love Feast and Communion, Children, Youth, Young Adult, Graduation, Music Appreciation and occasional Taizé services.


Our worship experiences are accessible to all with an elevator, modified pews for wheelchairs, projected lyrics on large screen monitors, large print hymnals, assisted listening devices, children’s activity bags and nursery care.




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virtual Worship

Find this week's live stream worship service on our YouTube channel.

For past services, visit our YouTube channel or click on the archives link below.

Music Groups

Chancel Choir

PCoB Chancel Choir New.jpg

We sing music by both traditional and contemporary composers. A pleasant singing voice and some note-reading abilities are recommended. We rehearse on Thursday evenings at 6:30 p.m. in the Music Room, September through May, and sing in our worship gatherings at least twice a month, September through June, including special occasions.

Canticle Bells


We perform with a five-octave set of White Chapel Handbells. Rhythmic proficiency is beneficial.  Substitute ringers are welcome. We rehearse on Wednesday evenings at 7:15 p.m. in the Sanctuary and play in worship monthly, September through May, including special occasions and handbell festivals. 

Praise Team


We lead singing in worship each Sunday, including special occasions. The group consists of a variety of instruments including guitar, violin, bass, keyboard and drums.  Other instruments and additional vocalists are welcome. We rehearse on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary.


For those who are interested in participating in our music ministry but cannot commit to weekly rehearsals, please consider joining one of our vocal or instrumental ensembles. Current ensembles include low and high voices and bell quartets. Ensembles rehearse and perform a few select times throughout the church year. Note-reading ability is helpful.



Special Music and Accompanists

Our worship gatherings periodically use additional instrumentation to accompany our musical groups. Also, soloists and ensembles are needed for our summer worship gatherings.  Please consider offering your vocal and/or instrumental gifts in these ways.

Music Staff


Evelyn Werner

Pianist, Interim Dir. of Chancel Choir & Praise Team  


Evelyn is our pianist, accompanying our congregational singing, choirs, ensembles and praise team. She also performs piano solos and duets, rings with our bell choir, and sings with our praise team.


Evelyn grew up in Hanover County, PA and currently lives in Hershey.       

She graduated from Elizabethtown College with a degree in Music Education.



Steve Hartman

Guitarist, Interim Dir. of Praise Team and Children's Music 


Steve is our guitar accompanist and a vocalist for our Praise Team.


Steve grew up in Palmyra and is a self taught musician.


“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”  Proverbs 3:5-6




Eileen Smith

Organist, Interim Dr. of Canticel Bells 


Eileen plays our Aeolian-Skinner pipe organ, accompanying our congregational singing, choirs, ensembles and praise team. She also performs organ solos and duets, rings with our bell choir, is a bell soloist, and sings with our praise team.


Eileen grew up in Palmyra  and is married with 2 children and 6 grandchildren.


Eileen graduated from Millersville University with a degree in German Education and honed her musical skills at Lebanon Valley College.


45 N. Chestnut Street, Palmyra, PA 17078

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Office Hours:

Monday - Thursday, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.


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